In November, various topics were in the spotlight: fund mergers, corporate governance in real estate companies, and active portfolio management...
MV Invest
Market Commentary November 2024
In November, various topics were in the spotlight: fund mergers, corporate governance in real estate companies, and active portfolio management. UBS announced the anticipated consolidation of its combined fund lineup with CS. This has already led to adjustments in the premiums of the future merged products. The fund management of MV Immoxtra has decided to request an extraordinary general meeting (EGM) at Novavest. As a long-term investor, the fund has been concerned for some time about the loss of confidence in the company, reflected in its weak stock performance and significant discount. Novavest's corporate governance does not meet the standards expected of a publicly listed company. The board seems unaware of these issues. To address this, the fund management is proposing two independent and experienced professionals, Cyrill Schneuwly and Ueli Kehl, for election to the board. Their expertise is expected to strengthen the board and facilitate the transition from the current external management model to an internal asset management structure. Good corporate governance requires an independent board, the avoidance of conflicts of interest, effective oversight of operational activities, and risk-conscious, active asset management. With a portfolio exceeding CHF 1 billion, the time has come for Novavest to establish a robust organizational structure. The fund management of MV Immoxtra urges all shareholders to actively support this change. Half-year results often bring little excitement for funds. However, Edmond de Rothschild has demonstrated a focused approach: through active management strategies and selective transactions, value is being created for investors. The proceeds from asset sales are funding new projects, and part of the profits is expected to be distributed in the next annual payout—a benefit for current investors. This example serves as a model for how active management can benefit all stakeholders
After a quiet September with no noteworthy news, the year is moving into its final phase. However, several important decisions could directly or indirectly impact the real estate market...
MV Invest
Market Commentary October 2024
After a quiet September with no noteworthy news, the year is moving into its final phase. However, several important decisions could directly or indirectly impact the real estate market. The upcoming U.S. elections are influencing global stock markets, and expectations for another rate cut by central banks have largely been priced into international stock prices. A significant factor for Swiss real estate funds could be the potential reduction of the reference interest rate for rent determination, which may occur in December or next spring. In the short term, various political decisions will likely shape developments until year-end, especially the national and cantonal referendums in November. Parliament recently revised rental laws concerning subletting and evictions for personal use - a decision positively received by the real estate sector from a property owner’s perspective. In Zurich, the popular initiative "Affordable Housing for Zurich" calls for more capital to enable the city and its housing foundations to acquire additional properties and land. Given Switzerland’s rapidly declining vacancy rates, a revision of private interest objection regulations would also be desirable. Recent results from some real estate funds show an alignment of discount rates used, which increases the importance of each fund manager’s value-creation measures for sustainable performance. Investor demand has risen since late summer, leading to new capital increases each month.
It took three years for real estate funds (Swiit Index) to regain their price levels from the summer of 2021. At that time, the SARON rate was at -0.70%, and the yield on 10-year...
MV Invest
Market Commentary September 2024
It took three years for real estate funds (Swiit Index) to regain their price levels from the summer of 2021. At that time, the SARON rate was at -0.70%, and the yield on 10-year government bonds was at -0.30%. With the current premiums of 35%, many funds, primarily in the residential sector, have once again reached high levels. In 2021, refinancing mortgage debt was easy, but today this task has become much more difficult. The UBS-CS merger and the situation with cantonal banks are not helping improve the environment. Financing margins, which were at 0.5% in 2021, have since risen to around 0.8%. Rental income has increased after two hikes in the reference interest rate and adjustments for inflation, although this rate could fall again in the spring of 2025. Given the rising demand for real estate investments, some managers are seizing the opportunity to carry out new capital increases. But will they actually invest or simply reduce debt? It has become more difficult to find AAA properties at attractive prices, forcing investors to focus on assets where value can be created through active management. In 2021, Olivier Metzenthine (JLL) published an article on the conversion of office buildings in Geneva, emphasizing the importance of operational and economic feasibility for the success of such projects. AXA AM is trying to follow this approach and will present its strategy at the "Breakfast Immobilier" hosted by MV Invest in Geneva. Another strategy is to hold land, as the housing shortage in Switzerland becomes increasingly critical. INA Invest has shown how this can work. Together with major investors like Implenia and the Buhofer family, INA and the Cham Group are discussing a potential merger. Combined, their portfolio would reach over CHF 3 billion. With active management, no capital increase would be needed to complete the projects. However, INA and Cham are currently being traded at prices that are 10 to 20% below their NAV, despite significant value potential. Why are so many investors pouring money into funds with no potential and premiums over 35%, especially when this example is not unique? It remains a mystery.
The summer holidays are over, and the strong Swiss franc is prompting the Swiss National Bank (SNB) to maintain its current course...
MV Invest
Market Commentary August 2024
The summer holidays are over, and the strong Swiss franc is prompting the Swiss National Bank (SNB) to maintain its current course. Further rate cuts in September, and possibly again in December, are anticipated. There are even voices suggesting a negative interest rate scenario by the end of 2025. Real estate managers, who have been unable to conduct capital increases over the past two and a half years, are gradually returning and attempting to acquire new capital. For a fund with a premium of 30 to 50%, raising capital is relatively easy. However, the question arises whether these funds can be efficiently allocated. The local real estate market appears to be dried up, as reported by the industry. It is evident that not all investors have the opportunity to acquire high-quality properties. This makes it all the more important to recognize the added value of properties and to maximize their potential in terms of both performance and sustainability year after year. Creating added value through active management is essential since investors are paying management fees, not just administrative fees. Dynamic strategies and greater foresight are needed. The topic of sustainability is often misunderstood. Investors should not expect sustainability to immediately lead to better performance. Instead, sustainability should be viewed as a fundamental requirement for securing the long-term, risk-adjusted performance of a portfolio. Regardless of where the focus lies, it is crucial to ensure transparency and comparability. In the past two years, managers have been preoccupied with financing issues and potential redemptions, rather than proactively creating added value. As a result, the market has recently been dominated by opportunistic investors such as family offices. A bit more activism on the part of real estate investment vehicles would therefore be desirable.
With the ongoing developments in interest rates and the generally favorable climate in global markets, the real estate market remained positive in July...
MV Invest
Market Commentary July 2024
With the ongoing developments in interest rates and the generally favorable climate in global markets, the real estate market remained positive in July. The appreciation of the Swiss franc, amidst increasing political tensions in European industrialized countries like France, has many market participants hoping for another rate cut by the Swiss National Bank (SNB) this coming September. The economic situation is very fragile, and corporate results are leading to increased market volatility in the short term. In the first six months of the year, numerous issuances with various goals were conducted. This trend is likely to continue in the coming months, even though investor requirements have increased and investments are becoming more targeted. An example of this is the large capital increase of Swiss Life's real estate fund, which according to official statements was 100% placed. Given the large number of sellers at the issue price, it is very likely that the insurer itself has subscribed to many shares. If this is the case, it could slow down the product's development in the medium term. Due to the already very high prices of residential real estate funds, which show a premium of over 40%, various analysts are seeking alternatives. As a result, portfolios like that of Plazza are now considered more interesting due to their potential and fair valuation. The market remains dynamic, even in Europe. Recently, it was announced that BNP Paribas intends to acquire AXA IM. Some half-year results of real estate stocks will be published in August, where a confirmation of the previous positive reports is expected. In the long term, the real estate market will continue to benefit from the increasing demand for safe and stable investments. The shortage of housing in metropolitan areas ensures constant demand for real estate. Volatility in global markets will remain high. Investors should closely monitor these developments to make informed decisions.
Investis pursues a real estate strategy with a unique business model that focuses on residential properties in French-speaking Switzerland...
MV Invest
Market Commentary June 2024
Investis pursues a real estate strategy with a unique business model that focuses on residential properties in French-speaking Switzerland. Alongside the sale of its Real Estate Services segment, the company has already invested over 200 million in new buildings, significantly enhancing its focus on direct real estate assets. As a result, the expected NAV by mid-year is set to increase by more than 20%, likely exceeding CHF 95. Warteck Invest's capital increase was successful, providing management with sufficient funds to realize projects and create value for investors. The listing of Helvetia's real estate fund, product launches, and various capital increases in the fund market bring the necessary liquidity for investors returning to the real estate market following the recent SNB rate cut. The interest rate reduction is also welcomed by managers who have adhered to short-term financing. The improving sentiment for listed real estate investments since November continues, resulting in a half-year performance of +3.95% for the SREAL index.
The indirect real estate market is in a transitional phase: various corporate actions in the coming weeks are leading to investor caution, resulting in increased volatility...
MV Invest
Market Commentary May 2024
The indirect real estate market is in a transitional phase: various corporate actions in the coming weeks are leading to investor caution, resulting in increased volatility. Meanwhile, the resilient and fundamentally strong Swiss market, along with positive interest rate developments, are fostering confidence as investor trust gradually returns. However, important questions remain: Is the sustainable transformation of the building stock being given enough weight in asset management? Can managers truly deliver on their promises? Politically, the focus is currently on the issue of housing shortages. Increased immigration numbers have prompted the SVP to launch the initiative "No 10-Million-Switzerland," which demands that the permanent resident population does not exceed ten million before 2050. The views of politicians and the construction and real estate industries on possible solutions to the housing shortage diverge. Additionally, during the summer session, both the National Council and the Council of States will address questions regarding transparency in the real estate market, rental yields, and ecological measures. The Swiss Real Estate Association (VIS) recommends that the councils reject almost all motions, stating that they are simply not effective (more details at It should be noted, however, that not everything is decided at the federal level: initiatives concerning housing protection, pre-emptive rights, and environmental protection are handled and decided at the cantonal or municipal level. Nevertheless, the Federal Council plays a significant role, whether through the UVEK department led by Federal Councillor Rösti, which also includes the Federal Roads Office (ASTRA), or the WBF department led by Federal Councillor Parmelin, which tries to bring the industry and politics together. Various developments in cantonal tenancy law (keyword tenant protection) are not really new. This situation has been a reality in the cantons of Geneva and Vaud for over 50 years. This fact has not hindered the success of indirect real estate investment products focused on Western Switzerland.
The real estate funds were unable to sustain the strong growth seen over the past 5 months. Profit-taking has set in, which could have various reasons...
MV Invest
Market Commentary April 2024
The real estate funds were unable to sustain the strong growth seen over the past 5 months. Profit-taking has set in, which could have various reasons. Of particular concern are the high premiums on residential real estate funds, sometimes exceeding 40%. In contrast, real estate stocks with similar portfolios are still trading at a discount. The announced capital increases have led to an overload and cooling off of the real estate funds. The lack of conviction among some managers to justify additional engagement is leading to a loss of trust. Opinions on the potential of the planned merger between Novavest and SenioResidenz differ: while the boards of directors are enthusiastic, Novavest's share price has fallen since the announcement. Are the anticipated benefits for investors simply not tangible enough? The uneven distribution of benefits in the exchange ratio was unfortunately not adequately considered. Additionally, both portfolios carry different risks. Shareholders will have the opportunity to decide on the proposal at the extraordinary general meeting. While real estate funds are structured like preferred shares and therefore do not have voting rights, shareholders can and should defend their interests. The restructuring of Ina Invest's structure has been approved. Shifting a larger block of shares brought in a new major shareholder, which was welcomed by the market. Procimmo is restructuring by terminating the contract with their fund management, which will now be handled internally. The merger of the fund managements of UBS and CS is now just a formality; further considerations will likely be presented by UBS by the end of the year. As inflation in Europe continues to decline and an interest rate cut by the ECB becomes more likely, it is now certain that a rate cut by the Fed will be further delayed. The extent to which this will influence the upcoming decisions of the SNB remains to be seen. We can envision a scenario in which the SNB promptly makes the next downward interest rate move, prompting larger investors to adjust their allocation towards real estate investments at the expense of bonds.
The decision by the Swiss National Bank (SNB) to cut interest rates by 0.25% to 1.50% seemed largely priced into the stock prices of real estate funds...
MV Invest
Market Commentary March 2024
The decision by the Swiss National Bank (SNB) to cut interest rates by 0.25% to 1.50% seemed largely priced into the stock prices of real estate funds. The cut now translates into more attractive conditions for short-term refinancing. It seems that further increases in the reference interest rate are likely off the table. In order to develop an action plan regarding housing shortage and tenant protection, a special session chaired by Federal Councillor Parmelin was held: Core measures include simplifications in approval procedures, strengthening of indirect housing subsidies and a reduction of the high degree of regulation, for example regarding noise protection. This is a positive signal for pending and future development projects – portfolios with land reserves and ongoing construction projects are thus likely to yield higher returns for investors. UBS predicts that due to sustained strong demand, driven by high migration balance, surplus births, and simultaneously low construction activity, price increases can be expected for residential properties. Regionally, however, price developments can vary: While lower transaction levels and consequently valuation discounts have been observed in Geneva, the Zurich market remains consistently stable. Price volatility historically tends to be higher in the Lake Geneva region – this, in turn, offers opportunities for active long-term investors. Unfortunately, current capital increases are not always launched with this intention. Several funds prefer to increase redemption fees and tap into their reserves for high dividend payouts, rather than positioning themselves for future attractive opportunities in the interest of investors. Real estate stocks such as Espace Real Estate, Plazza, Warteck, or Investis demonstrate their high level of activity in the annual reports, which should be reflected in significant excess returns in the medium to long term. The acquisition of Fundamenta by Swiss Prime Site, meanwhile, indicates that the expected market consolidation is finally gaining momentum – a healthy, necessary development.
After 20 years of a real estate boom, with declining discount rates, we all need to refocus on the fact that valuation fundamentally consists of two components: cash flow and discount rate...
MV Invest
Market Commentary February 2024
After 20 years of a real estate boom, with declining discount rates, we all need to refocus on the fact that valuation fundamentally consists of two components: cash flow and discount rate. The interpretation of the average discount rate communicated by many market participants will become more complex in the future, as especially in distressed properties (or portfolios), a devaluation and a declining discount rate are not mutually exclusive. The annual results of real estate stocks confirm that the market reflects our solid economy. The stable political situation also contributes to this. Nevertheless, there is consolidation among investors. While institutional investors maintain or slightly reduce their real estate allocation, larger private investors are stepping in, taking advantage of portfolio clean-ups for new purchases at better terms than in the last 2-3 years. Contrary to the negative expectations of some investors regarding the Swiss real estate market’s development, Swiss real estate products paint a different picture. With rising rental income and stabilized interest costs, the industry proves that real estate provides good inflation protection. With perspective and good management, additional and long-term value can even be created. Following a net migration of 100,000 in 2023, new housing units still need to be built. Quick-buildable land is being sought, and finally, even the Federal Council is addressing this issue. Only few actors have land reserves. With stable or expectedly declining interest rates, construction activity in the residential sector should pick up in the next 12 months. An annual performance of 3-4% for real estate investments with an investment horizon of 7- to 10 years can still be expected. The recent price increases in real estate funds give many managers hope to reduce their mortgage burden through new capital increases, but are investors ready again? Will the upcoming dividends be reinvested or used for payout?
The turn of the year is always characterized by uncertainty and new objectives. The geopolitical situation is anything but stable, with social unrest and strikes becoming commonplace...
MV Invest
Market Commentary January 2024
The turn of the year is always characterized by uncertainty and new objectives. The geopolitical situation is anything but stable, with social unrest and strikes becoming commonplace. Macro-economic data shows that inflation is highly heterogeneous, somewhat normalizing but persisting. The IMMO24 investor fair provided a preview of what the real estate industry might expect in the next 12 months. Focus areas included interest rate trends and developments, inflation, rent increases vs. tenant protection, short-term vs. long-term financing, and sustainability. In general, a further deterioration of the economic situation can be expected in the fall – increasing job cuts could already be an initial indicator of this. Central banks would be compelled to readjust interest rates downwards in this case. When and how this happens varies in expectations. MV Invest anticipates a possible return towards a near-zero interest rate level by mid-2025. The significantly more challenging international market situation is affecting individual players in the country. Turbulent times generally lead to consolidations. However, Switzerland reaffirms its robust constitution, especially in comparison to Europe. Nevertheless, valuation losses of up to 3% are expected by the end of 2023. The local real estate market, however, stands on an extremely solid foundation. Operational results paint a strong picture, with vacancies decreasing at the fastest rate in years. Stable cash flows are expected – even assumed. Consequently, future valuations should stabilize. Potential and added value are sought and created in the existing portfolio. A healthy mix of residential, commercial, and special-use properties should continue to be considered. After the partial recovery in real estate funds, some asset managers are already contemplating capital increases – which would lead to dilution.
Switzerland is preparing for a population of 10 million people, inevitably leading to an increased demand for housing. In this context, the participation of investors with a long-term perspective is crucial...
MV Invest
Market Commentary December 2023
Switzerland is preparing for a population of 10 million people, inevitably leading to an increased demand for housing. In this context, the participation of investors with a long-term perspective is crucial. Besides leveraging existing properties, new developments are also necessary. Unfortunately, developers are facing significant challenges. Construction times and approval deadlines have doubled due to numerous bureaucratic hurdles, such as shading, local concerns, noise and heritage protection. This is a clear sign of a policy that does not act in the interest of the population. Many investors anticipate imminent interest rate cuts, which could revive interest in real estate investments. In the final weeks of the past year, publicly traded real estate products underwent reallocations, causing fund prices, especially those of index-related investors, to rise to mid-2022 levels. This development is positive, but premiums of over 30% and distribution yields of 2% in residential real estate funds seem to warrant exploring alternatives – which do exist. With a positive trend, it is expected that some managers will conduct new capital increases to reduce mortgage burdens, leading to further dilution of existing portfolios. The year 2023 was marked by significant volatility due to various uncertainties. However, the outlook is improving for the new year. Managers are now tasked not only with creating value but also providing investors with new perspectives. Learn more about current real estate investment trends on January 17th and 18th at IMMO24. Everyone is invited to participate in enriching discussions and benefit from educational opportunities.
Archives of market commentaries
Market Commentary November 2024
In November, various topics were in the spotlight: fund mergers, corporate governance in real estate companies, and active portfolio management...
Market Commentary November 2024
In November, various topics were in the spotlight: fund mergers, corporate governance in real estate companies, and active portfolio management. UBS announced the anticipated consolidation of its combined fund lineup with CS. This has already led to adjustments in the premiums of the future merged products. The fund management of MV Immoxtra has decided to request an extraordinary general meeting (EGM) at Novavest. As a long-term investor, the fund has been concerned for some time about the loss of confidence in the company, reflected in its weak stock performance and significant discount. Novavest's corporate governance does not meet the standards expected of a publicly listed company. The board seems unaware of these issues. To address this, the fund management is proposing two independent and experienced professionals, Cyrill Schneuwly and Ueli Kehl, for election to the board. Their expertise is expected to strengthen the board and facilitate the transition from the current external management model to an internal asset management structure. Good corporate governance requires an independent board, the avoidance of conflicts of interest, effective oversight of operational activities, and risk-conscious, active asset management. With a portfolio exceeding CHF 1 billion, the time has come for Novavest to establish a robust organizational structure. The fund management of MV Immoxtra urges all shareholders to actively support this change. Half-year results often bring little excitement for funds. However, Edmond de Rothschild has demonstrated a focused approach: through active management strategies and selective transactions, value is being created for investors. The proceeds from asset sales are funding new projects, and part of the profits is expected to be distributed in the next annual payout—a benefit for current investors. This example serves as a model for how active management can benefit all stakeholders
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Market Commentary October 2024
After a quiet September with no noteworthy news, the year is moving into its final phase. However, several important decisions could directly or indirectly impact the real estate market...
Market Commentary October 2024
After a quiet September with no noteworthy news, the year is moving into its final phase. However, several important decisions could directly or indirectly impact the real estate market. The upcoming U.S. elections are influencing global stock markets, and expectations for another rate cut by central banks have largely been priced into international stock prices. A significant factor for Swiss real estate funds could be the potential reduction of the reference interest rate for rent determination, which may occur in December or next spring. In the short term, various political decisions will likely shape developments until year-end, especially the national and cantonal referendums in November. Parliament recently revised rental laws concerning subletting and evictions for personal use - a decision positively received by the real estate sector from a property owner’s perspective. In Zurich, the popular initiative "Affordable Housing for Zurich" calls for more capital to enable the city and its housing foundations to acquire additional properties and land. Given Switzerland’s rapidly declining vacancy rates, a revision of private interest objection regulations would also be desirable. Recent results from some real estate funds show an alignment of discount rates used, which increases the importance of each fund manager’s value-creation measures for sustainable performance. Investor demand has risen since late summer, leading to new capital increases each month.
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Market Commentary September 2024
It took three years for real estate funds (Swiit Index) to regain their price levels from the summer of 2021. At that time, the SARON rate was at -0.70%, and the yield on 10-year...
Market Commentary September 2024
It took three years for real estate funds (Swiit Index) to regain their price levels from the summer of 2021. At that time, the SARON rate was at -0.70%, and the yield on 10-year government bonds was at -0.30%. With the current premiums of 35%, many funds, primarily in the residential sector, have once again reached high levels. In 2021, refinancing mortgage debt was easy, but today this task has become much more difficult. The UBS-CS merger and the situation with cantonal banks are not helping improve the environment. Financing margins, which were at 0.5% in 2021, have since risen to around 0.8%. Rental income has increased after two hikes in the reference interest rate and adjustments for inflation, although this rate could fall again in the spring of 2025. Given the rising demand for real estate investments, some managers are seizing the opportunity to carry out new capital increases. But will they actually invest or simply reduce debt? It has become more difficult to find AAA properties at attractive prices, forcing investors to focus on assets where value can be created through active management. In 2021, Olivier Metzenthine (JLL) published an article on the conversion of office buildings in Geneva, emphasizing the importance of operational and economic feasibility for the success of such projects. AXA AM is trying to follow this approach and will present its strategy at the "Breakfast Immobilier" hosted by MV Invest in Geneva. Another strategy is to hold land, as the housing shortage in Switzerland becomes increasingly critical. INA Invest has shown how this can work. Together with major investors like Implenia and the Buhofer family, INA and the Cham Group are discussing a potential merger. Combined, their portfolio would reach over CHF 3 billion. With active management, no capital increase would be needed to complete the projects. However, INA and Cham are currently being traded at prices that are 10 to 20% below their NAV, despite significant value potential. Why are so many investors pouring money into funds with no potential and premiums over 35%, especially when this example is not unique? It remains a mystery.
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Market Commentary August 2024
The summer holidays are over, and the strong Swiss franc is prompting the Swiss National Bank (SNB) to maintain its current course...
Market Commentary August 2024
The summer holidays are over, and the strong Swiss franc is prompting the Swiss National Bank (SNB) to maintain its current course. Further rate cuts in September, and possibly again in December, are anticipated. There are even voices suggesting a negative interest rate scenario by the end of 2025. Real estate managers, who have been unable to conduct capital increases over the past two and a half years, are gradually returning and attempting to acquire new capital. For a fund with a premium of 30 to 50%, raising capital is relatively easy. However, the question arises whether these funds can be efficiently allocated. The local real estate market appears to be dried up, as reported by the industry. It is evident that not all investors have the opportunity to acquire high-quality properties. This makes it all the more important to recognize the added value of properties and to maximize their potential in terms of both performance and sustainability year after year. Creating added value through active management is essential since investors are paying management fees, not just administrative fees. Dynamic strategies and greater foresight are needed. The topic of sustainability is often misunderstood. Investors should not expect sustainability to immediately lead to better performance. Instead, sustainability should be viewed as a fundamental requirement for securing the long-term, risk-adjusted performance of a portfolio. Regardless of where the focus lies, it is crucial to ensure transparency and comparability. In the past two years, managers have been preoccupied with financing issues and potential redemptions, rather than proactively creating added value. As a result, the market has recently been dominated by opportunistic investors such as family offices. A bit more activism on the part of real estate investment vehicles would therefore be desirable.
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Market Commentary July 2024
With the ongoing developments in interest rates and the generally favorable climate in global markets, the real estate market remained positive in July...
Market Commentary July 2024
With the ongoing developments in interest rates and the generally favorable climate in global markets, the real estate market remained positive in July. The appreciation of the Swiss franc, amidst increasing political tensions in European industrialized countries like France, has many market participants hoping for another rate cut by the Swiss National Bank (SNB) this coming September. The economic situation is very fragile, and corporate results are leading to increased market volatility in the short term. In the first six months of the year, numerous issuances with various goals were conducted. This trend is likely to continue in the coming months, even though investor requirements have increased and investments are becoming more targeted. An example of this is the large capital increase of Swiss Life's real estate fund, which according to official statements was 100% placed. Given the large number of sellers at the issue price, it is very likely that the insurer itself has subscribed to many shares. If this is the case, it could slow down the product's development in the medium term. Due to the already very high prices of residential real estate funds, which show a premium of over 40%, various analysts are seeking alternatives. As a result, portfolios like that of Plazza are now considered more interesting due to their potential and fair valuation. The market remains dynamic, even in Europe. Recently, it was announced that BNP Paribas intends to acquire AXA IM. Some half-year results of real estate stocks will be published in August, where a confirmation of the previous positive reports is expected. In the long term, the real estate market will continue to benefit from the increasing demand for safe and stable investments. The shortage of housing in metropolitan areas ensures constant demand for real estate. Volatility in global markets will remain high. Investors should closely monitor these developments to make informed decisions.
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Market Commentary June 2024
Investis pursues a real estate strategy with a unique business model that focuses on residential properties in French-speaking Switzerland...
Market Commentary June 2024
Investis pursues a real estate strategy with a unique business model that focuses on residential properties in French-speaking Switzerland. Alongside the sale of its Real Estate Services segment, the company has already invested over 200 million in new buildings, significantly enhancing its focus on direct real estate assets. As a result, the expected NAV by mid-year is set to increase by more than 20%, likely exceeding CHF 95. Warteck Invest's capital increase was successful, providing management with sufficient funds to realize projects and create value for investors. The listing of Helvetia's real estate fund, product launches, and various capital increases in the fund market bring the necessary liquidity for investors returning to the real estate market following the recent SNB rate cut. The interest rate reduction is also welcomed by managers who have adhered to short-term financing. The improving sentiment for listed real estate investments since November continues, resulting in a half-year performance of +3.95% for the SREAL index.
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Market Commentary May 2024
The indirect real estate market is in a transitional phase: various corporate actions in the coming weeks are leading to investor caution, resulting in increased volatility...
Market Commentary May 2024
The indirect real estate market is in a transitional phase: various corporate actions in the coming weeks are leading to investor caution, resulting in increased volatility. Meanwhile, the resilient and fundamentally strong Swiss market, along with positive interest rate developments, are fostering confidence as investor trust gradually returns. However, important questions remain: Is the sustainable transformation of the building stock being given enough weight in asset management? Can managers truly deliver on their promises? Politically, the focus is currently on the issue of housing shortages. Increased immigration numbers have prompted the SVP to launch the initiative "No 10-Million-Switzerland," which demands that the permanent resident population does not exceed ten million before 2050. The views of politicians and the construction and real estate industries on possible solutions to the housing shortage diverge. Additionally, during the summer session, both the National Council and the Council of States will address questions regarding transparency in the real estate market, rental yields, and ecological measures. The Swiss Real Estate Association (VIS) recommends that the councils reject almost all motions, stating that they are simply not effective (more details at It should be noted, however, that not everything is decided at the federal level: initiatives concerning housing protection, pre-emptive rights, and environmental protection are handled and decided at the cantonal or municipal level. Nevertheless, the Federal Council plays a significant role, whether through the UVEK department led by Federal Councillor Rösti, which also includes the Federal Roads Office (ASTRA), or the WBF department led by Federal Councillor Parmelin, which tries to bring the industry and politics together. Various developments in cantonal tenancy law (keyword tenant protection) are not really new. This situation has been a reality in the cantons of Geneva and Vaud for over 50 years. This fact has not hindered the success of indirect real estate investment products focused on Western Switzerland.
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Market Commentary April 2024
The real estate funds were unable to sustain the strong growth seen over the past 5 months. Profit-taking has set in, which could have various reasons...
Market Commentary April 2024
The real estate funds were unable to sustain the strong growth seen over the past 5 months. Profit-taking has set in, which could have various reasons. Of particular concern are the high premiums on residential real estate funds, sometimes exceeding 40%. In contrast, real estate stocks with similar portfolios are still trading at a discount. The announced capital increases have led to an overload and cooling off of the real estate funds. The lack of conviction among some managers to justify additional engagement is leading to a loss of trust. Opinions on the potential of the planned merger between Novavest and SenioResidenz differ: while the boards of directors are enthusiastic, Novavest's share price has fallen since the announcement. Are the anticipated benefits for investors simply not tangible enough? The uneven distribution of benefits in the exchange ratio was unfortunately not adequately considered. Additionally, both portfolios carry different risks. Shareholders will have the opportunity to decide on the proposal at the extraordinary general meeting. While real estate funds are structured like preferred shares and therefore do not have voting rights, shareholders can and should defend their interests. The restructuring of Ina Invest's structure has been approved. Shifting a larger block of shares brought in a new major shareholder, which was welcomed by the market. Procimmo is restructuring by terminating the contract with their fund management, which will now be handled internally. The merger of the fund managements of UBS and CS is now just a formality; further considerations will likely be presented by UBS by the end of the year. As inflation in Europe continues to decline and an interest rate cut by the ECB becomes more likely, it is now certain that a rate cut by the Fed will be further delayed. The extent to which this will influence the upcoming decisions of the SNB remains to be seen. We can envision a scenario in which the SNB promptly makes the next downward interest rate move, prompting larger investors to adjust their allocation towards real estate investments at the expense of bonds.
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Market Commentary March 2024
The decision by the Swiss National Bank (SNB) to cut interest rates by 0.25% to 1.50% seemed largely priced into the stock prices of real estate funds...
Market Commentary March 2024
The decision by the Swiss National Bank (SNB) to cut interest rates by 0.25% to 1.50% seemed largely priced into the stock prices of real estate funds. The cut now translates into more attractive conditions for short-term refinancing. It seems that further increases in the reference interest rate are likely off the table. In order to develop an action plan regarding housing shortage and tenant protection, a special session chaired by Federal Councillor Parmelin was held: Core measures include simplifications in approval procedures, strengthening of indirect housing subsidies and a reduction of the high degree of regulation, for example regarding noise protection. This is a positive signal for pending and future development projects – portfolios with land reserves and ongoing construction projects are thus likely to yield higher returns for investors. UBS predicts that due to sustained strong demand, driven by high migration balance, surplus births, and simultaneously low construction activity, price increases can be expected for residential properties. Regionally, however, price developments can vary: While lower transaction levels and consequently valuation discounts have been observed in Geneva, the Zurich market remains consistently stable. Price volatility historically tends to be higher in the Lake Geneva region – this, in turn, offers opportunities for active long-term investors. Unfortunately, current capital increases are not always launched with this intention. Several funds prefer to increase redemption fees and tap into their reserves for high dividend payouts, rather than positioning themselves for future attractive opportunities in the interest of investors. Real estate stocks such as Espace Real Estate, Plazza, Warteck, or Investis demonstrate their high level of activity in the annual reports, which should be reflected in significant excess returns in the medium to long term. The acquisition of Fundamenta by Swiss Prime Site, meanwhile, indicates that the expected market consolidation is finally gaining momentum – a healthy, necessary development.
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Market Commentary February 2024
After 20 years of a real estate boom, with declining discount rates, we all need to refocus on the fact that valuation fundamentally consists of two components: cash flow and discount rate...
Market Commentary February 2024
After 20 years of a real estate boom, with declining discount rates, we all need to refocus on the fact that valuation fundamentally consists of two components: cash flow and discount rate. The interpretation of the average discount rate communicated by many market participants will become more complex in the future, as especially in distressed properties (or portfolios), a devaluation and a declining discount rate are not mutually exclusive. The annual results of real estate stocks confirm that the market reflects our solid economy. The stable political situation also contributes to this. Nevertheless, there is consolidation among investors. While institutional investors maintain or slightly reduce their real estate allocation, larger private investors are stepping in, taking advantage of portfolio clean-ups for new purchases at better terms than in the last 2-3 years. Contrary to the negative expectations of some investors regarding the Swiss real estate market’s development, Swiss real estate products paint a different picture. With rising rental income and stabilized interest costs, the industry proves that real estate provides good inflation protection. With perspective and good management, additional and long-term value can even be created. Following a net migration of 100,000 in 2023, new housing units still need to be built. Quick-buildable land is being sought, and finally, even the Federal Council is addressing this issue. Only few actors have land reserves. With stable or expectedly declining interest rates, construction activity in the residential sector should pick up in the next 12 months. An annual performance of 3-4% for real estate investments with an investment horizon of 7- to 10 years can still be expected. The recent price increases in real estate funds give many managers hope to reduce their mortgage burden through new capital increases, but are investors ready again? Will the upcoming dividends be reinvested or used for payout?
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Market Commentary January 2024
The turn of the year is always characterized by uncertainty and new objectives. The geopolitical situation is anything but stable, with social unrest and strikes becoming commonplace...
Market Commentary January 2024
The turn of the year is always characterized by uncertainty and new objectives. The geopolitical situation is anything but stable, with social unrest and strikes becoming commonplace. Macro-economic data shows that inflation is highly heterogeneous, somewhat normalizing but persisting. The IMMO24 investor fair provided a preview of what the real estate industry might expect in the next 12 months. Focus areas included interest rate trends and developments, inflation, rent increases vs. tenant protection, short-term vs. long-term financing, and sustainability. In general, a further deterioration of the economic situation can be expected in the fall – increasing job cuts could already be an initial indicator of this. Central banks would be compelled to readjust interest rates downwards in this case. When and how this happens varies in expectations. MV Invest anticipates a possible return towards a near-zero interest rate level by mid-2025. The significantly more challenging international market situation is affecting individual players in the country. Turbulent times generally lead to consolidations. However, Switzerland reaffirms its robust constitution, especially in comparison to Europe. Nevertheless, valuation losses of up to 3% are expected by the end of 2023. The local real estate market, however, stands on an extremely solid foundation. Operational results paint a strong picture, with vacancies decreasing at the fastest rate in years. Stable cash flows are expected – even assumed. Consequently, future valuations should stabilize. Potential and added value are sought and created in the existing portfolio. A healthy mix of residential, commercial, and special-use properties should continue to be considered. After the partial recovery in real estate funds, some asset managers are already contemplating capital increases – which would lead to dilution.
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Market Commentary December 2023
Switzerland is preparing for a population of 10 million people, inevitably leading to an increased demand for housing. In this context, the participation of investors with a long-term perspective is crucial...
Market Commentary December 2023
Switzerland is preparing for a population of 10 million people, inevitably leading to an increased demand for housing. In this context, the participation of investors with a long-term perspective is crucial. Besides leveraging existing properties, new developments are also necessary. Unfortunately, developers are facing significant challenges. Construction times and approval deadlines have doubled due to numerous bureaucratic hurdles, such as shading, local concerns, noise and heritage protection. This is a clear sign of a policy that does not act in the interest of the population. Many investors anticipate imminent interest rate cuts, which could revive interest in real estate investments. In the final weeks of the past year, publicly traded real estate products underwent reallocations, causing fund prices, especially those of index-related investors, to rise to mid-2022 levels. This development is positive, but premiums of over 30% and distribution yields of 2% in residential real estate funds seem to warrant exploring alternatives – which do exist. With a positive trend, it is expected that some managers will conduct new capital increases to reduce mortgage burdens, leading to further dilution of existing portfolios. The year 2023 was marked by significant volatility due to various uncertainties. However, the outlook is improving for the new year. Managers are now tasked not only with creating value but also providing investors with new perspectives. Learn more about current real estate investment trends on January 17th and 18th at IMMO24. Everyone is invited to participate in enriching discussions and benefit from educational opportunities.
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